Oskari-OK-Net: A Complete Solution for Shareholder Management

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Oskari™ can be accessed via a desktop application or a web browser. The latter is available on e.g. laptops, tablets and phones. Some functionalities are only available on one version or the other.

Oskari™ is supported by Innovatics on Windows 7, 8, and 10 (including Pro, Education and Enterprise). It's available on all currently supported servicing branches of Windows 10. The client's version will be compatible with the client's current version of Microsoft Office. However, using Oskari™ does not require possessing Microsoft Office.

Oskari™ is supported by Innovatics on Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, and on all currently supported servicing branches of Windows 10.

Innovatics offers Oskari™ as a cloud service, but it is also an option to install the software directly onto a local workstation.

Integration with Other Systems

With the OskariLataus integrationin software, the registered information can be downloaded or saved as a pre-scheduled event.

The integration is done with import/export of csv, cml or Excel files.

With OskariLataus add-on, it is possible to integrate Oskari™ with other application, for example customer relations software.

The OskariLataus add-on links Oskari with the owner information system of Euroclear Finland.
